RCI - Elevate

Level up staff performance

RCI-Elevate establishes a culture of accountability where exceptional quality and performance are recognized and rewarded.   Elevate monitors effort in real-time, measures performance based on results and incentivizes excellence.

Today’s environment of increasing complexity, staff turnover and remote work make establishing and maintaining a culture of accountability and excellence within revenue cycle operations a daunting challenge.

Foster competition, build accountability, and reward outstanding performance.  Monitor performance based on the combination of activity, effort, and results.  Gamification provides real time performance feedback and builds a fun, competitive environment that incentives results.



Optimizing Healthcare Performance and  Rewarding Excellence

Case Study Example


A multi-facility health system deployed RCI-Elevate to implement and manage a comprehensive performance program.  Realtime feedback regarding progress toward daily goals is provided for each user.  Performance monitoring includes metrics such as cash and adjustments vs assigned balance, time to resolve accounts and accounts worked.  A leader board tracks the position of each representative relative to their peers.  Staff earn badges and reward points for outstanding performance. 


Implementation of RCI-Elevate produced immediate benefits including a 115% productivity increase, a 27% decrease in AR over 90 and achievement of 110% of cash goal in the first year.